You can get more from forum marketing than what you probably think. If you learn what these advantages are you will have a better business in the end. If you have never used forums for business marketing, then you might not have completed utilized all of your given opportunities. They are so out in the open and common that it would not have been that difficult to overlook.
Most forum members act according to their personality. There will be many who will be either introverted or extroverted. So, unless you are very good at turning people off with your personality, then act the way that you always do. if you are not that outgoing, don't feel pressured to talk on the forum just yet. This is a common activity called lurking. You might be too afraid to make a first post. Just post in other threads and add something to the conversation.
Understand that forum marketing is, first and foremost, about building relationships. This is just another form of networking building. This time you should focus on the relationships and not the networks (or hopes for profit). People simply prefer visit the site doing business with someone they feel like they know. Plan all your actions according to this. Familiarity is one of the most important things you can develop in your attempt to create forum relationships. You have to keep coming back day after day and week after week in order to build those relationships.
Before you join a forum, there are some things you need to understand about them, two of which include business and nonbusiness related types and actions. Naturally you want to be able to engage in some kind of marketing otherwise it's pointless to join. Finding as much information about the forums that you want to join is an excellent idea. There's so much more to consider, but there's not enough space to write it all. You don't have to be a genius to follow the simple guidelines that most of them present. The results that you actually get from your forum marketing efforts will vary based upon many different things. So it's good to be prepared before entering this space just like you would learn and prepare for other marketing methods.
So think of forum marketing as another form of social marketing. And it is a given that forum marketing is like social marketing. They are both tied into relationship marketing, which you should learn about.